Winners Directory

Expert health and fitness advice with professional instruction from a triple Olympian and Commonwealth medalist

About Streamlinefitness & Glamourates Pilates

#Queenof happiness and sparkle Kathy Read

I am a triple Olympian, Commonwealth double silver, bronze medallist, European bronze medallist and forty four British senior national title holder. I have been involved in activity, dance, sport and fitness all my life. I have 15 years in the fitness industry combined with 20 years of competing at the elite levels of swimming. 

I have run Streamlinefitness since 2000 which has provided Pilates classes in matwork, equipment and one to one lessons to many individuals, from those that are elite athletes in their sport and those who may be unconditioned and need rehabilitation from a condition or injury.

I have also been the land trainer for the British swimming talent teams and Beacon south regional programme

#GlamouratesPilates is my own philosophy of teaching Pilates workouts with a mindset of #happiness and #sparkle . I am going to develop this in 2015 to include  workshops which will show you how to find #metime in your fast paced busy  lives!

What can I offer you ?

My extensive knowledge and expertise spans through the many varied levels of fitness both from an Olympic athletes perspective through to the recreational sportsperson .

I am a highly skilled qualified Pilates teacher, swimming coach to Southampton triathlete club and health and fitness expert on a range of subjects.

I present tailored workshops and land training/swimming clinics to swim coaches, health practitioners, schools and sporting groups and am also in demand to talk about my experiences as a triple Olympian.

I can guide you with my mindset motivation to help you with your  lifestyle or sporting goals.

There is more information about what else I can provide at . Feel free to contact me and I will be happy to help you if I can! Even if it's just to ask a question about health or fitness.

I look forward to working with you!